Data Visualization in Tableau

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Lesson 1: Data Visualization Fundamentals
6. Identifying Data Types
Question 1: Identify correct data types
Height - Continuous
Sex - Categorical
Scratches - Discrete
Question 2: Correctly identify the data type for each variable.
Doctor Visits per Year - Ordinal
Life Expectancy - Continuous
Spending per Person - Continuous
Has Universal Healthcare - Categorical

7. Visual Encodings
Question: Correctly identify the visual encodings for each of the variables.
Country - position x
Goals Scored - size
Player - position x
Time - position y
Top Scorer - color hue

13. Quiz: Question 1
Visual encodings are the mapping of data to display elements.

14. Quiz: Question 2
??? Share it if you know. ???

15. Quiz: Question 3
Question: What statements are true about exploratory data analysis (EDA) and data visualization?
Option 3: Data visualization starts the conversation between the data and the audience.
Option 5: Data visualization is about cenveying the findings of EDA.

16. Quiz: Question 4
Question: Summary statistics can hide patterns and outliers in data sets which is why exploratory plots are helpful for "seeing" data.
Option 1: True

17. Quiz: Question 5
Question: How does data visualization take advantage of human perception?
Option 1: Humans can process visual information in parallel (all at once) as opposed to taking in information serially, like when reading text word by word.
Option 4: The human eye is excellent at identifying differences in placement and color.

18. Quiz: Question 6
Question: Which of the following visual encodings is NOT a retinal variable?
Option 2: position

19. Quiz: Question 7
Question: Which of the following visual encodings is most accurate for human visual perception?
Option 4: position along an aligned scale

20. Quiz: Question 8
Question: Which of the following visual encodings is least accurate for human visual perception?
Option 2: color hue/saturation

Lesson 2: Design Principles
4. Quiz: Chart Relationships 1
Match each chart type with the relationship it shows best.
C - bar chart
A - boxplot
B - pie chart
D - stacked bar

5. Quiz: Chart Relationships 2
Match each chart type with the relationship it shows best.
D - bubble chart
B - line chart
A - map
C - scatterplot

8. Choose the appropriate graph
Question 1: Which graph would be best to plot market share for five competitors over each month for the last five years?
Option 2: Stacked 100% area chart
Question 2: Which graph would be best to help understand the relationship between education and income?
Option 4: Scatter plot

10. Pre-Attentive Processing
Question: How many 9's do you see in the set of numbers below?
Option 3: 5

14. Practical Rules for Using Color
Question: Select the statements that are true about color?
Option 2: A sequential color palette is a good choice for encoding the sales of a business.
Option 4: 3D effects and shadows can distract from the data and make it harder to interpret the data.

17. Bad Visual Quizzes
Question: Consider the box plot above. There is a lot of ink here that doesn't actually represent data. Which elements of the box plot could be removed?
Option 1: Horizontal end caps
Option 2: Central box
Option 5: Colors

18. Design integrity
Question: What is the lie factor for the Fox News bar chart above? Some numbers to help you: the small bar is 27 pixels tall and the large bar is 146 pixels tall.
Option 2: 33.54

Lesson 3: Creating Visualizations in Tableau
5. Sheet interface
Question: Now for a bit of practice on your own. Which country has the most records? (Use only the orders table.)
Option 2: United States

6. Aggregation and granularity
Question: Before you do this yourself, what do you expect to see when you drag Quantity to columns and Profit to rows?
Option 2: Only one point
Question: How many points should you see if you add Region to “detail”? There are 13 unique values in the Region field.
Option 2: 39

10. Practice with Marks
Question: Hover over the mark furthest up and to the right. What is the market for that mark?
Option 2: APAC

11. Small multiples
Question: Once you've built the viz, filter to include Data Engineering and Data Warehousing, Database and Direct Marketing, and Database Management and Software. Which of these jobs appears most important for the most number of countries?
Option 1: Data Engineering and Data Warehousing

14. Scatter Plot
Question: Now that you've got that down, rearrange your visualization to determine who has the best combination of strength, speed, and combat.
Option 2: Thor

16. Practice with Maps
Question: How many goals did the 2nd highest scoring country have (2002-2014)?
Option 3: 47
Question: How many goals were scored in 2014 by countries in each region?
Option 3: S. America: 44, N. America: 16

21. Practice Viz: Top Skills Boxplots
Question: What shelf should the Rank measure be placed in?
Option 2: Columns
Question: What shelf should the Year field be placed in?
Option 1: Rows
Question: What shelf should the Skill field be placed in?
Option 1: Row

Lesson 4: Telling Stories with Tableau
2. Exploring Data
Question: Which sub-category had the most sales in the data?
Option 3: Phones
Question: Which product in the sub-category with the most sales had the most profit?
Option 4: Cisco Smart Phone, Full Sized